Manderz's Profile


Joined on Jul 21, 2024
Status Level: Newbie

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Manderz's Recent Posts

  • rotting room
    "Congrats on the job! 😊 hiya everyone"
  • Gay
    "I am partially gay"
  • "I would like to do a GOT or HOTD inspired roleplay I think in this one I would like it to be like where Danaerys had lived and ruled ov..."
  • ~Love and Deepspace~
    "Trauma can also cause you to feel the way that you described I relate to the black & white thinking"
  • Oh the nostalgia
    "Yeah your name sounds familiar and around 2010-2014 came back a few times lol oh yeah I remember Fred and llamas with hats"
  • "I again am posting to say I’d like RP"
  • Oh the nostalgia
    "^-^ used to make that face all the time"
  • Oh the nostalgia
    "I remember how I used to type crazy on here and all the slang & ways of old and it’s so nice to see when you look back lol I’m gonna sou"
  • Hello all!
    "Yes I do remember you lol I was hype to see you still here"
  • br0wnie
    "Brownie I agree, it seems like yesterday I had just joined this site but it was back in like 2012, 2013 I had to make a new account but all ..."
  • "I’m sorry to hear that, I know what it’s like being a lonely kid, but when I got older I found my people, small crew but I hope that you als"
  • "Lol it’s okay I was just confused, I understand I’m having a hard time lately too, with life, work, college all that."
  • "Are there different people with the user name chameleon leap?"
  • "I have anxiety and panic disorder so def dying, but the fear of it prevents me from living to a certain extent"
  • Hello all!
    "Oh yeah I’m not even sure what episode I’m on now 😅, oh nice I love music too what kind of music do you like?"

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