mahima_lovergurl's Profile
Joined on Nov 9, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
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mahima_lovergurl's Recent Quiz Comments
"totally me!!
: Animal 78%
You are an animal. You can talk to
animals and hear them through your
mind. Animals look up to…"1 -
"yeahhh!! :-D
The Hero 90%
You are the ultimate defender of
justice, freedom, and purity. The
hordes of evil quail before…"1 -
"true.. its fit my personality but i luv blue.. Green
The Color Green.
You are a calm,
restful person. You
love…"1 -
"i got 100% blue!! its my fav. colour!! n its perfectly describe me!!
Blue shows that you are deliberate
and…"1 -
"hahaha totally me!!
Greg You dont take life too seriously,
and can make even the most serious
person laugh hysterically.…"1 -
"yeah.. i dnt need any weapon.. my fists is enough.. :-p
Storm 77%
Yo u have an amazing power and are
able to use this with…"1 -
"haha totally me!!
Earth 77%
Y ou are physically strong. You have
a close connection with nature.You
don't mind getting…"1 -
"Invisible Women
(Susan Storm) 82%
You are a very quiet person who is
very misunderstood. You stand up
for what you believe…"1 -
"I got parvati.. ^^ yaa i luv animals and wear simple clothes.. i like to be myself and unique in many ways.. n maa durga which is another…"
2 -
"haha im just 15..
You are 37% close to marriage! 37%
You are near to making the cut but
not quite there yet.. See…"1