Fantastic Four Personality Quiz

The Fantastic Four is a Marvel comic book series which in 2005 was made into a movie. The charicters include Reed Richards, Susan Storm, Johnny Storm and Ben Grimm all faced with super human abilities.

Do you think you have what it takes to be one of the fantastic four? Do you think you have the power to control the power ? If you got the power how would you use it ? Take the quiz.. See your potential.

Created by: Samuel Burchfield

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Out of all your friends you are the loud outgoing one ?
  2. Your preferred color out of the following is...
  3. Your favourite element out of the following is...
  4. You would most likely be seen...
  5. In school your grades were/are...
  6. A lady is stuck under a car and if not rescued soon she could die from the its weight. You...
  7. You have..
  8. Your favorite type of movie is...
  9. you wear usaully..
  10. You'd prefure a view of the ocean or the forest ?

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