Maddie Jane's Profile
Maddie Jane
Joined on May 7, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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"well gee... id like to know how old u are but yh sure I guess I might"
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"im 16 but it said 12-13... im so immature then"
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"I got normal but I don't think so... only one guy has asked me out and I'm nearly 16!!! but I like all the guys who are wayyyyyyy out of…"
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"the fact that I'm in 11th grade now makes this depressing"
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"so sad"
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"I wanted Joe Sugg but I got Marcus Butler..."
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"I got yellow but you are wayyyyyyy off. my fave colour is purple"
1 reply1 -
In response to BabyYoda:
"I got Ravenclaw! I was really hoping for…"