Mac1014's Profile

Joined on Mar 30, 2016
Status Level: Senior
Mac1014's Quizzes
- How well do you know PJO and HoO series?[published: Jun 20, 2017, 3 comments]
There are many fans of the Percy Jackson and The Olympians and Heroes of Olympus Series……
- How much are you like me ?[published: May 13, 2016, 8 comments]
There are many people in this world but how many are alike today let's see if u and me are alike by……
- Which one of my friends are you ?[published: Apr 23, 2016, 10 comments]
I have six friends that I know pretty well left out Sadie sorry so figure out if your Allie……
- Are you a mermaid ?[published: Feb 28, 2016, 15 comments]
There are many mythical creatures among us espesially mermaids . I'm a big mermaid fan and I am one……
- Are you a mermaid[published: Jan 01, 2016, 3 comments]
Ok first of all no mermaid haters allowed. Mermaids are not just mermaids. There is Arctic,Light,Volcano,Water……
Mac1014's Recent Posts
"Hey. I'm not dead"
"Hey guys sorry I've been sick the whole afternoon and had school so I couldn't get on last night to respond ibam so sorry , / "I guess that ..."
"Serena strolled in to the living room , hair pinned up in a bun. "Ooh can we watch The Little Mermaid?" She asked plopping down by Lucy"
"This is why I came back Also I'll give you my boyfriend"
"Johnathan is also a male werewolf. Turns into a wolf during full moons, increased sight speed and hearing along with strength )"
"Violet: Serina best friend. Dark hair, And died hr hair violet at the tips. Is slightly emo. Serina: The shut but persuasive y"
"Maybe fighting between Serena and David/Minerva ? Or beeeen her and Lucy? And Serena become friends with her parents friends son?"
"Mark took Megs hands and made her clap along"
"Yeah like I have no idea what's going on, and who about 3 characters are, or doing. I know it sucks but posting order is needed for such a b..."
"Where the bloody hell can I put Serena?)"
"Serena, bored of school and being alone, trier to skip class and in getting caught, was suspended for two days. She had timried to skip befo..."
Mac1014's Recent Quiz Comments
Did not know the ear muscle or male calico thing!"
1 -
"Should You Become A God?
Your Result: God Of Gods
83%You should become a God Of Gods. Who else should control the…"
0 -
"I got Zeus
I honestly thought I would get Demeter but it didn't have it.Or Athena.
But besides not having Demeter it was a…"
1 -
"What Does OUAT Peter Pan Think About You?
Your Result: He Loves You!
77%He totally likes you! Good for you! He'll…"
1 -
"I out male as my gender ot see if it counted , it did......
I got male , nad I said I had a period,that should have been the only…"
1 -
"I got 90%"
1 -
I got 40%"1 -
"Charlie you got Aubrie didn't you?"
1 -
"OMG ! You are very accurate,because on may it say s about sickness in the neck and I've gotten strep throat 6 times in the past year"
1 -