Are you a mermaid

Ok first of all no mermaid haters allowed. Mermaids are not just mermaids. There is Arctic,Light,Volcano,Water,Earth,and Cloud mermaids. If you were a mermaid which one would you be?

Are you a mermaid of blizzards and snow? Are you a mermaid of lava flows? Are you a mermaid of fluffy clouds? Are you a mermaid the rocks? Are you a mermaid of the ocean blue? Are you a mermaid of light and sun? Well I hope this quiz is fun.

Created by: Mac1014

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Favorite Color
  2. Your element
  3. Where would you live
  4. Your getting a mystical creature as a pet what would it be
  5. Someone's attacking your family your weapon?
  6. Your personality?
  7. Ok are you tired of answering questions
  8. Do you wanna be a mermaid any way
  9. Pick a tail color
  10. How did you like the quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I a mermaid