luv98's Profile

Joined on Jun 1, 2011
Status Level: Junior
luv98's Quizzes
- Random questions![published: Jan 24, 2012, 4 comments]
Do you know or want to know random things? Becuase if either of those apply to you then you should take this……
- What vera bradley bag should you get?[published: Dec 01, 2011, 1 comment]
There are alot of vera bradlet bags to choose from so this quuiz will help you narrow down……
- What movie should you go see?[published: Oct 28, 2011, 4 comments]
So you know how sometimes there are a lot of really good movies out? Well if you take this quiz……
- Can you guess things about me?[published: Oct 13, 2011]
SO are you a good guesser? because if you are/think you are, you should definetly take this quiz.……
- Could we be friends?[published: Aug 30, 2011, 4 comments]
Im just wonder if anyone on gtq and me could be friends in real life so if u wanna no if we could be……
- What show should you watch?[published: Aug 16, 2011, 1 comment]
instead of flipping thro you channels trying to figure out wat to watch ill help you decide wat to……
- Are you has crazy as me and my friends?[published: Aug 11, 2011, 3 comments]
Do you think your friends are crazy? cuz i bet you mine are crazier. but hey if you……
- What will you be wen you grow up?[published: Jul 29, 2011, 2 comments]
Do you wanna know what you should be when you grow up? cuz if you take this quiz you'll know……
- Do I Like Him or Do I Like Thought Of Love?[published: Jul 28, 2011, 8 comments]
Have you ever really thought about if you truly truley like your crush? If you take……
luv98's Recent Posts
"@anastasia: dont worry i wasnt medling. me and my bestie didnt force them to do anything. me my bestie my friend & her now boyfriend and..."
"And they finally started dating!!! im sooo happy me and my other frined have been trying to get them together since november, it took 7 mont..."
"theyre fake. They act all 'omg, couldnt live with you guys!' infront of eachother but all 'ew, shes annoying' behind eachothers backs right?..."
"smile, even if its a fake one, it might help. listens to lots of up beat music and dance around to it then laugh at yourself"
"thanks guys!!!!!"
"thank you!!!!"
"I agree with Leah, you are having a difficult time in your life. Vege, i bet you are one of the prettiest people. Youre span"
"@carri: thnx and i see what you mean, she is starting to move on."
"no one what i can do? :("
"Hi, i just became a junior! :D"
"AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! am i really harp? i havent checked i was taking a quiz series for the past like 3hrs! hahahah YAY!!!! :)"
"ill take it"
"i made a quiz!!!! please take it! im soooooo close to being a junior!!!"
"thnx guys!!!! im soooo close the bar is almost full!!!!!"
luv98's Recent Quiz Comments
"It will rain"
1 -
"- Beautiful secrets & Beautiful Lies"
1 -
"i have an addiction to these quizzes. Honestly I think theyd make great books!!!"
1 -
"happy birthday"
1 -
"i took all of these quizzes in 1 day lol. i fell in love with the seires in part 3 probs.
ps happy almost birthday"
1 -
"so....whatd ya think?"
1 -
"i personally only put eyeliner in the corners. i put along about 1/4 of the bottome eye thing where you put eyeliner and i put it in the…"
1 -
"i got players? ive never gone out with a player and never plan to, i stay away from them"
1 -
"hahahaha so apperently i could beat you up lol, i probly couldnt im a 14 year girl and wouldnt want to fight you and btw question 8 isnt…"
1 -
"i didnt understand the brother question and i dont play with dolls"