LinxLady's Profile

Joined on Jun 11, 2010
Status Level: Experienced
LinxLady's Quizzes
- Royalty Seasons and Love 11[published: Dec 05, 2010, 9 comments]
I'm gonna write a Christmas song here instead of writing actual stuff because I really don't know……
- Royalty Seasons and Love 10[published: Dec 04, 2010, 3 comments]
Yeah, so it's like midnight so no one is gonna want to take this, but wahtever I'm gonna publish it……
- Royalty Seasons and Love 9[published: Nov 28, 2010, 3 comments]
Sorry guys! This took a little longer than usual to come out, but I was a little busy. But, I made……
- Royalty Seasons and Love 8[published: Nov 25, 2010, 4 comments]
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! This one is going to be short, cus I have to eat/stuff myself, and I'm sure……
- Royalty Seasons and Love 7[published: Nov 25, 2010, 3 comments]
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Gobble! I'm a turkey! Ok, weirdness aside, seriously I hope you enjoy your……
- Royalty Seasons and Love 6[published: Nov 24, 2010, 3 comments]
Hey guys! I tried to put pictures of the guys up, but 1. I don't know how. 2. Since i didn't know……
- Royalty, Seasons, and Love[published: Nov 23, 2010, 5 comments]
I hate these paragraphs. I never know what to write. Who likes musicals? Anyone? Anyone? If you……
- Royalty, Seasons, and Love 4[published: Aug 11, 2010, 5 comments]
Hi......sorry it took so long to make this one.....I've been kinda busy.....anyway, I'm back with……
- Royalty, Seasons, and Love (part 3)[published: Jun 12, 2010, 6 comments]
Hey it's part 3!!! I hope you like it!!! So you kinda get a little background on Edward……
- Royalty, Seasons, and Love (part 2)[published: Jun 12, 2010, 8 comments]
Hey the four Seasons are back! This time there's minor drama (yays!) and, by the way, _____……
LinxLady's Recent Posts
LinxLady's Recent Quiz Comments
"ONLY 90%?!?! *breaks down in hysterical sobs and searches frantically for all books and movies*"
1 -
"So excited for more Draco! I'm gonna miss Oliver though :( Torn between Draco and Ron...the two most awkwardly different characters in…"
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"OMG I choked on my popcorn when I got put in Slytherin. GENIUS!!! This is really good make MANY MANY MANY MORE!!!"
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"WHOOOOOO!!!! I LOVE THESE QUIZZES!!!! DRAAAAAACOOOOO!!! Plus, the whole thing about soccer? The most hilarious thing I've ever read. You…"
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"Wow! This was really really good! I'm loving the whole "I'm coming for you" thing! I was seriously sitting in front of my computer…"
1 -
"I literally stay up all night refreshing the home page, waiting for one of these quizzes to pop up. This is a combination of adoring these…"
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"AAAAAHHHHHHHH DRACO!!! I love your quizzes! These make my life complete! WHY ISN'T THIS REAL LIFE?! Oh, and make more "Hagwarts Love…"
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"OMG these quizzes are my life!!! I have no idea how you do it!!! I was totally in love with Draco until you published these and now I…"
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"LOL love it! He totally likes me!! Or, he would, If I could figure out exactly what his sexuality is.... -___-"
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"OMG I LOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!!!!! I can't decide between Nico and Leo though!!! I love them both DX And I'm so excited to see who my godly…"