Royalty, Seasons, and Love (part 2) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Royalty, Seasons, and Love (part 2).
Your Result: Ian
You make him nervous, but in a good way! He thinks you ae beautiful, but is very shy and afraid to spend time with you. He doesn't know what you think of him...
aww i luv Ian!!v
Your Result: Edward
He's not prepared for you. You stir feelings in him that he hasn't felt in a long time. He fears you, but also can't seem to get you out of his head.
PART 3!!!!!!!!!!!
Your Result: Reis
He just met you, but he does know one thing:you're a smokin' little number! He can't wait to get to know you more, and for you to know him. He knows he acts knida shallow, but you don't know him yet...
kool quiz. i like it.
if you want to you can try mine... just go to the forums and find my name. click in it and take as many as you want :)
Retaking these. I'm eating popcorn. OMNOMNOMIN'! Sorry, I'm really hyper and I'm reading these for the first time in months. :D
Omigod! This is like, the best series ever!!! Its so creative!!
This series is my fave ever!
Really good job! I liked it!! But I'm torn between all of em lol
part three is out, just so you know. keep reading, and give me advice! I love it!
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