lilwlfie01's Profile
Joined on Dec 19, 2011
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
13-Year Club
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lilwlfie01's Recent Quiz Comments
"Awww. I have a golden personality. i feel so special"
1 -
"You don't think you are awsome.....
You think you are uncool........which is not cool.....(sad face)Try thinking you are cool for…"
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"I survived half way. Yeah that is true, cuz every time i play with my cousin on MW3, i get a little out of control and well, he beats me."
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"This is pretty good for a first quiz. Btw why did you name it why it is?"
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"Why did you put Justin Beiber?
"90% of girls worldwide would bawl there eyes out if JB jumped off the Empire State building. 10%…"
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"Yes! I got Mulan. Awsome. :D"
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"10%. Whoop-de-doo."
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"I lived. I would have switch sides if i was asked."