How random do you THINK you are?

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So you think you are random?Have you got the stuff? Because this quiz is mighty tough!So many random people out any fake it....How random are you?

So you think you are random?well then take a seat and try out this quiz of alien invasions murder mysteries and just good old randomness!so hitch a ride and lets see how random or awsome you are! P.S read the message below...

Created by: Jenna

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Okay,somebody says:may the force be with you!You say: P.S.He is not a Jedi...
  2. jygedxoigvxvuhurvguvgu!
  3. Are you awsome....
  4. A MURDER MYSTERY:Your best friend has been kidnapped!There are death threats on your e-mail!This could only mean one thing.....
  5. A fishing trip:Your best friend falls overboard!You say:
  6. Hahahahahahahahahahah!You can't stop laughing!This can only mean.....
  7. You go to mars and when you touch down there are thousands of green aliens with lightsabers.You say:
  8. do you think you are awsome?(answer honestly so the results can be accurate!)
  9. Remember that question with the aliens?The aliens plan to sacrifice you and now these are your last words......
  10. Farwell...

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Quiz topic: How random do I THINK you are?