Murder escape now...

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Your best friend has been kidnapped, there are death threats on your e-mail:get out!:run! What can this mean...Am I there someone after me? CAN I ESCAPE?

Find out in this quiz that puts your mind to the test!can you make it out alive?Will you fall into a sinister trap?Will you most of all ESCAPE?The countdown begins:10 ,9 ,8........

Created by: Jenna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. There is something strange going on.. death threats on your E-mail, your best friend kidnapped....
  2. Suddenly,a man comes to your house,he says:
  3. He explains that the person sending the e-mails calls imself the mystery man....
  4. The man offers you 24-hour protection...
  5. If you answered no he still sends people over to your house.
  6. Suddenly a cop pulls up outside your house and starts running towards the man.He pulls out a gun and shoots him then...he turns to you...
  7. He finds you and and puts you in a sack.
  8. The man who was suppossed to protect you was the mystery man.
  9. You manage to escape you...
  10. A few days later you are given a letter you:

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