Knife's Profile

Joined on Jul 25, 2015
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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Knife's Recent Posts
"Thank you for explaining the morality of homosexuality to me. What specific actions should one take if they learn that their mom is gay?"
"does islam offer any guidance on what one should do if they discover that their mom is gay?"
"1 day"
"u forgot about NLM. no lives matter : )"
"I know I said it before but I'm so glad I got this account. I love knives. I have a great many. It's a very good account for me : )"
"ooh, that sounds very cool"
"ok, somebody changed it now"
"it's the schrade uncle henry LB5. the third knife iv owned and by far my favorite"
"i have too many slaves. dont ask me to choose just one. phone i guess. most expensive thing i have"
"*throws knife*"
"most definitely"
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