KagomeandYumi's Profile
Joined on Jan 27, 2013
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
KagomeandYumi's Quizzes
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KagomeandYumi's Recent Posts
"O MY F---ING GOD.I LOVE HIM TO I HAVE MET HIM BEFORE my favorite songs are the way that you do,billion hits,iliusion,double take,and well th..."
"oh smalls was my nickname"
"wow i dont care if i know you or not but sister thats cra-cra XD"
"so on my date my BF ALMOST KISSED ME XD [but i pepper spraid him]"
"haha so anyone think inuyashas really awsome"
"I snuck out to see my BF =("
"so i was at soccer and i scored a goal and she JUMPED out of her seat and *gulp* she screamed "GO SMALLS" in front of every one [MY BOY FRIE..."
"Im half japanies my grandpa came from japan and my grandma came from scotland"
"hehe nice [I think inuyasha cute =] AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *Runs into a tree*.*"
"nice so I forgot to mention IM GOING ON A DATE TOMORROW AT 5:00 PM AHHHHHHHHHH"
"nice so I forgot to mention IM GOING ON A DATE TOMORROW AT 5:00 PM AHHHHHHHHHH"
"So whos your favorite person peeps"
"AHHHHHHHHHH my favorite[s] is skyward sword but they should make a game were ZELDA saves LINK any one agree?"
"AHHHHHHHHHH my favorite[s] is skyward sword but they should make a game were ZELDA saves LINK any one agree?"
KagomeandYumi's Recent Quiz Comments
"dang no truth or dare"
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"WOW I LOL ed a lot "
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"This quiz was fun i got mechelle spelled wrong good quiz :{)"
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"any crowd,please take my quiz "how random are you" kagomeandyumi"
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"im 60%"
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"braided awsome 90%"
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"Yumi yay my favorite"
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"OMG im totally outgoing"
1 -
"OMG im totally outgoing"
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"I got contrey girl SO TRUE :] the discription fits me perfectly :)=:p"