K3VIN's Profile

Joined on Jan 7, 2012
Status Level: Experienced
K3VIN's Quizzes
- "Sergeant Flipper" Coming Soon.[published: Aug 17, 2012, 4 comments]
Omg I thought I was done but I thought wrong so WTF f--- am I doing staying up so late. Thanks……
- What color would you like your eyes to be?[published: Jul 21, 2012, 6 comments]
Thanks fir taking my quizzes I've been working good and hard thinking about makin……
- What color would you like the moon to be?[published: Jul 20, 2012, 4 comments]
Thanks for among my quiz I'm trying to become a junior or what not. I guess I won't……
- What's my fav color?[published: Jun 17, 2012]
Thanks so very much for taking my quiz thanks so so very very much much Im I'm going going to to start……
- How much do you know about adventue time?[published: Jun 17, 2012]
Ther are many smart people in this world but some are very smart and some are thinkIng……
- How geeky are you?[published: Jun 16, 2012, 1 comment]
I'm tired of typical go so imam just type random stuff that peoPle don't get get it now. Guess not wat the……
- What is your fav color?[published: Jun 16, 2012, 3 comments]
There are many smart peep like me and everyone on else tuas Kemal and slow Shriners smart even if……
- How awesome are you?[published: Apr 26, 2012, 3 comments]
There are smart people but a few are true qenuises.Genuises afterall are quite excietional.What is a……
- How much do you know about me?[published: Jan 29, 2012, 1 comment]
There are many smart people but some just can't get it.I have exlpain to folks that act like they……
- HOW MUCH DO U KNOW ABOUT SPONGEBOB[published: Jan 10, 2012, 1 comment]
If u failed this quiz by a little bit its ok it doesnt matter u don't have to watch spongebob……
K3VIN's Recent Posts
"That would be a good quiz."
"Yeah, whats the quiz about?"
"Sup Nitro"
"@Homie: Bored Like hell!"
"@Homie: How are u?"
"@SG: Chillin @Sonic: Sup"
"Wassup@ SG"
"Where do you live?"
"I've watched it like four times."
"That movies funny .3."
"That's a long time. Where did you get the quote from?"
"You only live once."
"You only live once."
"How long have you been on GTQ?"
K3VIN's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got 30%. Cool quiz! xP"
1 -
"I got 30%. Cool quiz! xP"
1 -
"I know I love my quiz"
1 -
" Nice quiz. 40%"
1 -
"Damn 50%"
1 -
"Jb can go suck a *censored*dammit I forgets there lil peps up in here."
1 -
"Bulls--- on that chain mail.I got 80%."
1 -
"Hey Im not weird Im just cool."
1 -
"this quiz sucks balls"
1 -
"i got 34% cool dragon"