How geeky are you?

I'm tired of typical go so imam just type random stuff that peoPle don't get get it now. Guess not wat the Fuk wait I can't do that wh not chase your a b---- aww thanks

Wow this is skews I'm going skating not thanks for among this quuz I pretiate it if that's how you spell tha I'm so lost oh I hate doing the Druid Blah tie

Created by: K3VIN

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you wear glasses?
  2. Do you like to play computer games?
  3. Do you snort when you laugh?
  4. Do you eat your boogers?
  5. Do you like to watch Elmos world?
  6. Do you watch spongebob?
  7. Almost done.
  8. Almost done.
  9. Rate
  10. Done

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Quiz topic: How geeky am I?