jhai's Profile

Joined on Apr 2, 2013
Status Level: Novice
jhai's Quizzes
- How much of honey boo boo do you have in you[published: May 19, 2013, 1 comment]
Do you ever wonder how much honey boo boo in you do you ever wonder how much honey……
- do you have ghost in YOUR house[published: Apr 07, 2013, 4 comments]
Hey have you ever been in your house sleeping then you hear these weird noises....do you have……
- which curse word are you[published: Apr 06, 2013, 14 comments]
This is a weird quiz just for you to take so that I can say curse words please comment and if you don't……
- do you annoy me?[published: Apr 06, 2013, 3 comments]
Hey its me and this quiz is only to see if you annoy me..if i talked to you on a forum and you get a bad score……
- HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW ME[published: Apr 03, 2013]
Hey do you think you know me do you think that you seen me around someplace are you just feeling lucky……
- which Vowel are you[published: Apr 03, 2013, 4 comments]
Hey have you ever wondered what vowel would you be? Take this quiz and see. It has some really spot on……
- Are you a true Sagittarius[published: Apr 02, 2013]
Are you a TRUE Sagittarius. Are you spontaneous and make new friends easily are YOU one of a kind and……
jhai's Recent Posts
"I have stalker dogs"
"Been a long time since ive been on here"
"Since when did this become the lounge?"
"Being here alone is not hard to do but giving yourself a partner which who does not care for you can cause endless p"
"I loooooovvvveee this series I read all four I'm going to start reading the fifth one and starting to read the first of the infernal devices..."
"Heeeellllloooo "
"Yeah im glad to but I need to go for right now I have to take care of business ....ttyl "
"Yeah ....I broke my computer. ...sucks!!"
"Not here for a while"
jhai's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got classic round which is so true"
1 -
"No chain comments plz thx"
1 -
"I got Arianna which is cute but my real name is jhai and I know its weird but its different...but thanks anyway, good quiz...check my quiz…"
1 -
"Got 100% fav song Alex Clare too close...you got that lyric wrong you messed it up by one word but great quiz though "
1 -
"I'm a die in a car crash...thanks next time I'm in a car I'll think hey I don't wanna die slow the hell down"
1 -
"I'm a part of the fire nation....thats so true though "
1 -
"I got intelligent "
1 -
"Hell to the no...lol funny"
1 -
"Uhh I'm not Kathy or kaya I'm jhai and I'm a Sagittarius and THAT means CRAZY"
1 -
"Truth A: what the hell? I was at least 3 or 4 I was potty trained when I was 4 sooo.....really weird questions"