which curse word are you

This is a weird quiz just for you to take so that I can say curse words please comment and if you don't like this quiz tell me in a forum or the commemts

This quiz is weird so just take it please and if you don't like it its ok just comment and rate oh and take my other quizzes to some or cool in my opinion.

Created by: jhai

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you love to swear
  2. Do you call people you hate the 'b' word
  3. Response back: "who you looking at faglord?"
  4. In bad mood do you curse alot
  5. What curse word do you wanna be
  6. Do you like this quiz
  7. Have I talked to you on a forum
  8. Do you like curse words
  9. Do you have a dad
  10. Lastly, I know this quiz is weird but will you comment

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Quiz topic: Which curse word am I