janeandlizzy's Profile

Joined on Jun 25, 2014
Status Level: Novice
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janeandlizzy's Quizzes
- Which Sense and Sensibilitity Sister Are You[published: Jun 25, 2014, 1 comment]
Ever wondered what sense and sensibility sister you are? Now you'll be able to find……
janeandlizzy's Recent Posts
"i love the victorian era, what's your favorite?"
"hate beans"
"love macaroni and cheese"
"what do you cook?"
"I love pride and prejudice anyone read the book? who's your favorite character? i've got two:jane and elizabeth"
"Star Wars"
"I have two, both old fashioned and romance Pride and Prejudice 1995 Sense and Sensibility (forget what year, but the o"
"nah,my mom is actually from south africa"
"my so called friend"
"England...live in Canada though"
"te amo"
"i live in canada...love it would never like to leave all my friends here..."
"twinkle twinkle little star **just kidding**"
"sorry 2"
janeandlizzy's Recent Quiz Comments
"did you read\watch it? fanny is elinor's sister-in-law"
1 -
"the lounge"
1 -
"Got 85 percent, cool, no wonder my so called friend keeps away from me"
1 -
"not sure..not exactly true blonde; used to be!
Cool quiz"
1 -
"i got jane bennet! loove her, though never thought i was her, but now i'm starting to realize it! thanks so much for making it jen!"