JadeMeadow's Profile

Joined on Oct 28, 2020
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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"i used this one more it should be decently leveled"
"that's an awesome idea. could you please do mine?"
"this fits her"
"Flame stood up and walked over to Slantro. He was about to start talking but class started, and he had to sit down. The rest of the class we..."
"Ya, I have a Chinese friend who lived there for like 9 years (he's 14) and still visits China occasionally and he has better English than me..."
"Blake grinned and waited for Maddison to get high enough up so he wouldn't mess up her ascent, then started climbing after her."
"oh, you did? I can see why, it's a rlly pretty picture :D how are you?"
"awww I forgot about this one pretty"
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