Invisible Girl's Profile

Invisible Girl
Joined on Jul 4, 2013
Status Level: Novice
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Invisible Girl's Quizzes
- How Much Of A Nerd Are You[published: Jul 29, 2013, 1 comment]
This quiz will determind for you how much you are a nerd! Take it and see how much you have going for……
- Which Song Are You?[published: Jul 07, 2013, 1 comment]
Have you ever wonderd your mood for a song?? Probably not, but if you did... you will love this quiz! Its……
Invisible Girl's Recent Posts
"Hey dannylover!"
"Boobs are Boobs"
"Older users?"
"Hello GTQ. Im back for a lil'"
"What I don't understand is why white people have to call people "African-American" instead of black, I know they were in slavery and all but..."
"F u"
"YYYEEEWWAAAAAHHHGG!!!! I think I spelled that wrong..."
"YEAH!! Are we like, the only ones on here.. ?"
"Hey! Dude, my mom was like sound asleep... I could hear her snoring! How dud she wake up?"
"I'm on"
"What do you guys think about Child Labor?"
"I made you a blueberry pie.... MWA- HA HA HA HA HA"
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