ilovekittens's Profile


Joined on Feb 22, 2014
Status Level: Experienced

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ilovekittens's Quizzes

  • How Long Should Your Hair Be?
    [published: Jul 24, 2014, 2 comments]

    There are many times of hairstyles with different lengths of hair. There are hairstyles with……

  • Try Finishing The Lyrics!
    [published: Jul 23, 2014, 5 comments]

    There are many songs in America, and most of them have lyrics. What are lyrics? Lyrics are words to a……

  • Red Blood vs Green Blood (part 4)
    [published: Jul 21, 2014]

    Part 4! Yay! AREN'T YOU HAPPY? YOU SHOULD BE! Joking! Don't worry! Anyway, Comment, Rate,……

  • Red Blood vs Green Blood (part 3)
    [published: Jul 17, 2014, 2 comments]

    Part 3! Yay! AREN'T YOU HAPPY? YOU SHOULD BE! Joking! Don't worry! Anyway, Comment, Rate,……

  • Red Blood vs Green Blood (part 2)
    [published: Jul 13, 2014, 3 comments]

    Part 2! Yay! Hope you enjoy it! I know, I took a little longer than I thought it would, but……

  • Red Blood vs Green Blood (part 1)
    [published: Jul 09, 2014, 3 comments]

    This is my very second quiz series! :D yay! This contains: Romance, Action, and it contains……

  • How Funny Are You?
    [published: Jul 04, 2014, 1 comment]

    There are a lot of funny people out there in the world, but are you one of them? Are you able to make people……

  • Shout out quiz #3!
    [published: Apr 26, 2014, 4 comments]

    There are a lot of people in gotoquiz, and some of them are my friends. So today I will be making a shout out……

  • How much in common are we?
    [published: Apr 22, 2014, 7 comments]

    There are a lot of people in the world, but there are some people that can have the same opinions as……

  • Drop of Secrets (13)
    [published: Apr 22, 2014]

    Sorry I took long on making the next part! I am always busy with other things. Like playing violin, doing……

  • How hyper are you?
    [published: Apr 19, 2014, 3 comments]

    There are a lot of people that love to party and hang out with friends and stuff like that, but are you one……

  • How annoying are you?
    [published: Apr 10, 2014, 8 comments]

    There are quite a lot of people in this world, but some of them can be really annoying even though they……

  • Drop of Secrets (12)
    [published: Apr 06, 2014, 1 comment]

    Hi guys! I know...I took to long on making the next part...but now it's here! Yay! Anyway, I hope you enjoy……

  • What power would you have?
    [published: Mar 29, 2014, 12 comments]

    There are incredibly amazing powers to choose from, and they are quite amazing. This quiz will……

  • Drop of Secrets (11)
    [published: Mar 26, 2014, 4 comments]

    Okay! Sorry about taking long! Hope I didn't make you mad!! I am quite busy with other things...just so you……

  • My shout out quiz! (Again)
    [published: Mar 22, 2014, 4 comments]

    Hi! I am ilovekittens. If you have not noticed...I made another shout out quiz! Yay! I know...awesome……

  • Drop of Secrets (10)
    [published: Mar 17, 2014, 2 comments] great. I love typing in character like right now. Um...I made another part of Drop of Secrets so……

  • Drop of Secrets (9)
    [published: Mar 11, 2014, 1 comment]

    This is just another part of Drop of Secrets! Please rate and comment if you want more after you done……

  • Drop of Secrets (8)
    [published: Mar 09, 2014, 1 comment]

    I made another part of "Drop of Secrets"! Are you impressed? I hope you are because I worked hard on this……

  • How well do you know ilovekittens?
    [published: Mar 08, 2014, 1 comment]

    Okay...I am going to test you to see if you know me. You don't have to know be...i'm just……

  • Drop of Secrets (7)
    [published: Mar 08, 2014, 2 comments]

    This is another part of Drop of Secrets! i hope you enjoy! comment and rate if you want more! ……

  • What fruit fits your personality?
    [published: Mar 07, 2014, 5 comments]

    This quiz is to determine what fruit fits your personalty. If you do not like the result,……

  • Drop of Secrets (6)
    [published: Mar 06, 2014, 2 comments]

    Read the rest of Drop of Secrets and you will get what is going on! If you already did then wait for more! I……

  • Drop of Secrets (4)
    [published: Feb 25, 2014, 1 comment]

    This is another part of Drop of Secrets. If you didn't read them please go ahead and do so. Comment! Rate! I……

  • Drop of Secrets (3)
    [published: Feb 23, 2014, 3 comments]

    This is suppose to be a part of "Drop of Secrets (1)" and "Drop of Secrets (2)" so if you didn't read that……

  • My shout out quiz!
    [published: Feb 23, 2014, 27 comments]

    This is a quiz revealing who are my friends. This is ilovekittens speaking just so you know. I have nothing……

  • Drop of Secrets (2)
    [published: Feb 22, 2014, 2 comments]

    This should be a part of "Drop of Secrets (1)" So if you read it you might be confused. Go back and read #1……

  • Drop of Secrets (1)
    [published: Feb 21, 2014, 6 comments]

    This was just a story I made up in my head. I kept that story in my head for a very long time (since I was……

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