Are you Dumb or Smart

Are you smart enough for this.or chicken to try.yous your this quiz to achieve must succeed a honor in this enrollment.

Are you dumb.are you smart.find out in this exceptional have the brainpower to achieve this easy quiz of can do it.if you try.just believe.

Created by: Tess
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is 12 í—12
  2. What is your favorite color
  3. Wich of the following is true:A:grapes kill dogsbody:chocolate kills dogs C:cats kill dogs
  4. Is your hair a requirment.
  5. Are you dumb
  6. Do you love God.
  7. What is 12.34+1234
  8. Do u like boy/girl under 13 and dateing
  9. Are you gay
  10. Are u bi.
  11. Are you lesbian

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Quiz topic: Am I Dumb or Smart