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Joined on Mar 19, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
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"Your Result: Athena
Your godly parent is Athena. You are smart and wise and you get along with just about everybody, except…"
1 -
"WoooT! Bryan my Boo~ I love you too!
You, my dear have made an amazing series."1 -
"hehe Bryan is my boo~! xD"
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"umm isn't Ethan a ghost? He can just go through the cell bars..."
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"I got Lucky them!...You're an amazing lover! anyone who's interested in you is in for the time of their life! you naturally have the skills…"
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"I got 74% Sincere Lover. You are such a total sweetheart people have a hard time taking you seriously. Sadly, because you are so sincere…"
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"I got You are the beauty of nature: Mindful amd timid at heart,your beauty is the everlasting essense of nature!You care about everything…"
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"I got You're beautiful: You're one of the few people who are actually BEAUTIFUL! As well as your hot looks your bubbly personality shines…"
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"I'm a Swan :) You are graceful and shy. you tend to like nature. your Your spirit color is white. purness."
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"Taranula Scaryns: You are one creepy person, You're into blood and gore, and like creepy things like Knives. You are quite interesting…"