Ian Luvalle's Profile


Ian Luvalle
Joined on Jun 5, 2020
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Ian Luvalle's Recent Posts

  • House of Lamentation
    "*starts to wake up at this point, groaning in pain* *slowly opens her eyes, clinging onto Mammon's arms* W-Why.. Are you "
  • House of Lamentation
    "*starts to aggressively thrash around, frustrated that her trick didn't work on him* *claws at his arms, screeching*"
  • House of Lamentation
    "*strange sounds emit from throat* *suddenly, in her normal voice* ..Need.. Food.. *wraps claws around his a"
  • House of Lamentation
    "*very upset squirming* *self conscious enough to not hurt him, but her claws are long and sharp af* *croaks* Ple"
  • House of Lamentation
    "*screech* *wriggles around in his hold wildly* Hungry! Flesh! Hungry! Flesh! Beelzebub: *holds"
  • House of Lamentation
    "*ignores him, having spotted the demon* *races over to them on all fours, claws kicking up dirt and grass as she runs* "
  • House of Lamentation
    "*twitches claws, studying him* Need.. Flesh. Flesh. Flesh. *looks away from him, trying to spot a poor, unf"
  • House of Lamentation
    "*studies him for a moment, brain recognizing his face* *repeats* Hun.. Gry.. *takes off on all fours "
  • House of Lamentation
    "Beelzebub: ..You mean it? *sits up* We can get out of here and go help..? Are you sure? *distorted growl emits from her "
  • House of Lamentation
    "T-To get back, there's no time! *looks around wildly, as if looking for something* *her eyes start to glow, but s"
  • House of Lamentation
    "*very content snuggle* Mammon, you should tell me more about you! Since we're friends and we have a pact and all.. "
  • House of Lamentation
    "Oh.. *smiles, kind of leaning into him* I feel safer here too, I think.. Maybe it's because you're so warm and big"
  • House of Lamentation
    "*stops dancing around after a moment, turning to look at the door* *curiously* Do you hear all of that? I wonder what all"
  • House of Lamentation
    "Are you kidding me!? Of course it is! *excited prancing* A friend and a pact~! Oh, Mammon, aren't you excited too!"
  • House of Lamentation
    "*super excited* Thank you! Man, I'm pumped now! *jumps up, delighted* You know, you said you're suppo"

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