IamLelouch's Profile

Joined on Feb 11, 2012
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
13-Year Club
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IamLelouch's Recent Posts
"i thought the goal of this thread was to encourage gtq guy to post, not scare him away. if i was gtq guy i would delete the site because of ..."
"^Art isn't something to compare like that. It's insulting to everyone involved. Everyone has different styles, different rates of growth. Ar..."
"This is f---ing s---"
"thats what emos think like where iz little emonightshade or zaney zane or even mr suicide nerd"
"so far we hav 1 where r the rest sleeping?"
"which pathetic users are emo"
"ive been tasting blood go to a damn hospital i need new converse buy some u f---ing emo waste of spac"
"The doubles need punishment If you mark the posts the mods may do their job"
"no i created u 4 bettr purposes"
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