houndoom's Profile
Joined on Feb 19, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
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12-Year Club
houndoom's Quizzes
- are you the trainer for me?[published: Feb 20, 2013]
i hardly doubt you people read these. i honestly think these are a waste of our time. its so……
houndoom's Recent Posts
"silly novice. i joined on 2012"
"sure. im in a weird mood so do you want to make it dirty or what"
"you dont need to. make a god. it doesnt even have to be egyptian."
"im thinking egyptian gods."
"(sowwy to intrude. what is this about?)"
"topic. what are you inrested in? what does tmothy like? for me, its a bunch of fantasy and magic related things. without a topic that your i..."
"he died in the new one at the very end. self sacrafice. BOOM"
"I got done waching the dark knight rises. and he dies in the end so... oh no. teen titans are back."
"duh. why else would be practicing my japanese"
"not much sage. batman forver was awsome."
"danny has alot of diffrent realatives HEY SAGE"
"chiba universiy"
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