Horselover1515's Profile

Joined on May 13, 2020
Status Level: Novice
Horselover1515's Quizzes
- What Friends Character Are You?[published: May 19, 2020]
Have you ever wondered what FRIEND from friends YOU were? Wait no longer. Just sit back and……
- What Animal Are You?[published: May 14, 2020]
This is a personality quiz that shows what animal you are. It might not be 100 percent accurate, but it……
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Horselover1515's Recent Quiz Comments
"Your Result: Pastel Aesthetic 81%
resultThe pastel aesthetic includes being drawn to pastel colors. This aesthetic can often…"
In response to amazingclaws:
"I got none, but I don't even know what aesthetic means."
1 -
"Your Result: Emerald Rain 72%
You are the prettiest thing in the universe, but you're really hard inside. You're really hard in…"
1 -
"Your Result: Average 92%
You're perfect, not too slobby or snobbish, just there in the middle. In your life your snob and slob…"
1 -
"horselover not polo lover here not posh. You are 21% posh!
Sorry - If you are reading this, you could well be a chav.…"
In response to tolerated tres:
"I too was appalled at 'were trainers', and thought…"
1 -
"finally a comment NOT from 8 years ago!!!!"
1 -
"Your score on this personality test was 45% 45%
Others see you as sensible, cautious, careful & practical. They see you as…"
In response to 76867:
Others see you as sensible, cautious,…"
1 -
"i got that to that movie SUCKS!!!! the rat is kinda cute thou"
In response to MONITO:
"I GOT THE WRONG MOVIE!!! I havent even watched…"
1 -
"What name best fits me?
Your Result: Female:Rosalie Male:Ryan 91%Beauty is your strongest subject for in that you outrule…"
1 -
"The Ultimate Personal Style Quiz
Your Result: Sexy 56%
resultYou are magnetic, emotive and flaunting. You put a lot of…"
1 -
"result: HOTHOTHOT"