GracePalm346's Profile

Joined on Dec 9, 2020
Status Level: Junior
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GracePalm346's Recent Quiz Comments
"I'm a safe normie. Yeah, I hate anime, even though I did have a weeb phase when I was younger, but I joined the based side. The voices…"
2 -
"Same lol. I did have a cringe weeaboo phase at one point though and I posted it in the comments, please ignore my cringe weeb…"
In response to Ligmaballslmao:
"Not a weeb! Thank god!"
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"I think I know the perfect remedy just for you: Stop watching anime and return to the dark lord Tom Riddle, you'll see some great…"
In response to TOTAL WEEB:
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"Haha jokes on you old me I'm now a normie"
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"Response to my last reply: no, I am NOT going to wear a Todoroki shirt because anime sucks and I'm a complete normie also stop watching…"
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""plUs uLtRa!" is that a weeb thing? Bruh why was I saying that? I guess I was a freaking weeaboo at that point."
In response to GracePalm346:
"Lol I used to be a normie now I'm a complete…"
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"Nah actually don't ignore it, I am actually a normie and it ISN'T a phase."
In response to GracePalm346:
"My result: Safe normie
Yeah I don't…"
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"Yes I'm a safe normie I had a cringe weeaboo phase in the comments, but whenever I did like anime it was so boring that I had to keep…"
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"Haha Jokes on you I'm now a weeb"
In response to GracePalm346:
"Not a weeb lol"
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"Now I get it I'm a complete weeb I'm gonna wear a Todoroki shirt to my wedding."
In response to that weeb:
"i got complete weeb. this quiz tells the truth.…"