GokuBlackrose's Profile

Joined on Apr 2, 2023
Status Level: Novice
GokuBlackrose's Quizzes
- How Proud Are You?[published: May 29, 2023]
Hello there little people. I am a huge Vegeta fan, and one of his biggest personality traits is his pride, so……
GokuBlackrose's Recent Posts
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GokuBlackrose's Recent Quiz Comments
"No, what is "pathtic", as you say, is you misspelling PATHETIC"
In response to L_Aura:
"f*** u man lol I f---en rule all saiyans and u…"
1 -
"tied with chaotic and neutral evil"
1 -
"Your moral compass
Your Result: Evil 89%Evil: the exact representation of pure destruction and injustice. A clear description…"
1 -
"I got neutral evil."
1 -
In response to CoolDude123:
"You're 64% Nicknames Are
1 -
"Imagine being a nice guy...
I just stand in the corner with my arms folded, laughing while it happens."
In response to Duckfromspace:
"52% savage! I know! I'm always getting pissed…"
3 -
"Your Result: Pride 84%
You are most guilty of pride. You consider your image more important than your personality and helping…"
1 -
In response to tomboykaitie:
"27% I tried XD"
1 -
"Not racist. It's just a preference"
In response to Le1F:
"omg rasist"
1 -
"Your Result: White Women
resultYou seem to like women of heavy European descent. Their straight hair, colorful eyes,…"