How attracted are you to black women?

This is a quiz for white guys who think they might be interested in dating black women. It aims to measure the degree of attraction you feel towards black women, and whether it is likely you will ever pursue a relationship with one.
It should go without saying that all women are individuals and shouldn't be reduced to a single characteristic. Nevertheless human beings do have preferences, to a greater or lesser extent, for external factors like hair color, body shape, eye color, skin color, height and others. Ethnicity and color are complex things, linked to identity, and the term "black" is broad, but for the sake of this quiz, it refers to heritage encompassing any of the following: African, Caribbean, Mixed White and Black, Mixed White and Caribbean, Mixed White and African, African American, Mixed White and African American. In that context, let's see whether you are attracted to black women and if you should pursue a relationship with one.