GlitterShimmer's Profile
Joined on Dec 13, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
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12-Year Club
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"Nothing. You?"
"(Kai. Byyyeee)"
"Yeah. An oc of mine. :P"
""Ultra Twister." I smirked."
"Just kne more won't kill ou. xP I WANT A PILLOW PET"
"Ugh. That's dumb."
""Well you kiss me. Does that mean you don't love me?" I asked weakly."
"Why couldn't she do it herself?"
"I smiled. It quickly went away as soon as a thought came to mind. "But, yesterday at lunch.. I saw her kiss you..." I said."
"I hate that. I woulda slapped her."
""You think so?" I looked up. (xD. Sowwie. :p)"
"Nothing really. Just being cold and being lazy. You?"
""Yes I am.." I said. "Shes just so awesome and I'm just.." I sighed. "Me.""
"We all are. :)"
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