Ghost xIllx's Profile
Ghost xIllx
Joined on Jan 10, 2013
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
Ghost xIllx's Quizzes
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Ghost xIllx's Recent Posts
"Maru: Of course it's my thread. Just pop into random threads without even knowing whose made them. I think what you're doing easily passes..."
"*Maru: Yes Milady. :3"
"I've never understood nor held a tolerance for people following around and pestering people because they're suddenly in a relationship. If ..."
"Maru: *yay ghost cuddles~* Why are we doing this on my account? Maru: Cuz we need you to level up. :3 "
"Aw s---. I'm going to assume you mean Maru and not me, which is probably for the best anyway. Maru: *gh"
"whatcha gonna do"
"Yo. I'm Ghost. What, more? Are you kidding? What else is there t"
"*ducks out of the way of the blade, lunging to the side at Armada* Armada: Treble rage treble rage treble rage treble rage..."
"Armada: *goes silent after a moment* *eyes glow black* *gets to feet and liberates Ghost's sword* Treble rage treble ra"
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