I'm thinking..
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:22pm
Thread Topic: I'm thinking..
I see.xD
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Hello, my name is Armada. I am an assassin for an organization that is none of your business whatsoever. Don't call me by my username, that was some horrible excuse for a practical joke from my boss. It's just the name I go by when I'm working. I'm eighteen, and male. I am a demon, though I have no idea what kind. I am excellent at wielding daggers, and acceptable with any other blade.
My past? Er... my mother murdered my father in a horrible blood run and then pulled her own heart out and fell on me when she died. It's not all that important.
Oh. And this is Falsetto.
Falsetto: Hi.
I murdered his parents, and now he's just kind of.... here.
Falsetto:It's okay they were mean anyway.
o-o Well okay then. Falsetto is human... And... Er..
Falsetto: -.- I'm a nine year old boy.
Right. -
Yo. I'm Ghost.
What, more? Are you kidding? What else is there to....?
I am male, eighteen years old. I..... well, I can't tell about that. She might see it. Let's just say I'm good with a sword and leave it at that.
Oh. And Renjin is mine, motherfuckers. -
Hello~ My name is Renjin. I'm human, and Ghosty is, too... And... hm... I can cook and mend wounds. ^-^ I love bunnies and kitties, and goldfish are really cute, too.. I love Ghost, and he loves me and we'll be together forever and ever and ever~ ^o^ I'm a girl and I am seventeen years old.
My past... hm... I don't really know. ^-^ I think I hit my head or something, cuz that's all a blank. I just woke up one morning in a weird house and Ghost was there and he was all beat up and I felt horrible so I started taking care of him and now I'm kind of... yeah... -
My name is Dare. I'm a thief. That's all. Bye.
*is gone* -
My name is Lost. I'm a guy. A guy. Not to be confused with a girl. I get lost very easily, which is how I came across my name, as well as my friend Blackbird.
Blackbird: *sitting quietly on shoulder*
......He's about all I have. I mostly just go places and cause problems for everyone, although, in my defense, most of them are a direct result of Blackbird's actions.
Um... I dont' have parents.. And I'm eighteen years old. That's all. Anything to add?
Blackbird: *blinks*
Nope. Kay bye. -
I'm Ty... I'm a Pokemon trainer.
....I don't like dealing with people. -
Je m'appele Orchid. Most people call me Le Fleur Noir, the name assigned to me by my agency. I am an assasin known mostly for my skills with knives.
This is, for the most part, all there is about me. -
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