Ghostbur's Profile

Joined on May 17, 2022
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
2-Year Club
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"Clay smiled down at George. "It's okay, Gogs.""
""Oof-" Clay said as he released George and sat up. "That actually hurt a little bit-""
""Good morning, sleeping beauty-" Clay said, only being slightly sarcastic. He'd woken up about an hour ago, but refused to move so he wouldn..."
"(ts?) "Okay, I- I love you." Dream whispered, knowing he wouldn't get a response."
""No, you're staying here." Clay said sternly. He tightened his grip on George and sighed. "I'm probably not gonna fall asleep any time soon-..."
"Clay's heart skipped a beat and he blushed deeply. "o- okay then-""
"Clay took a deep breath and nodded, silently scolding himself for being paranoid and annoying. He slowly started to release George."
"Clay gasped. "N- No!" He wrapped his arms around George's waist and pulled him close. "Don't, I'm sorry-""
""Mhm," Clay said, rolling to face George. He turned bright red when he realized how close they were."
""Says the one who was pitching a fit not even five minutes ago-" Clay returned."
""OUCH- So mean, Gogy!" Clay pretended to be offended and rolled onto his side, facing his back to George."
""Ahh- Adding salt to an open wound, I see." Clay said sarcastically. He shifted to lay next to George."
""I'll spend the rest of my days ALONE-" Clay declared. He could barely contain his laughter, but kept up the bit."
""Nooooo-" Clay let go of George and dramatically fell backward, playing dead. "You've killed me, your hatred as murdered me. Ripped my heart..."
""Noooo, don't cry! I'm sowwy, forgive meee-" Clay whined. He tightened his grip on George and smiled."
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