forte's Profile

Joined on Jan 7, 2013
Status Level: Novice
forte's Quizzes
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forte's Recent Posts
"music, Absolutely! lyrics, not to save my life! (which is sad because I'm in 2 rock bands and I sing in both /: )"
forte's Recent Quiz Comments
v whoops! I am 13 (almost 14) I am 5' 1" with strawberry blonde hair,
Music and acting are my life. I play every…"
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"87% yes! [ring ring] oh, sorry. *picks up phone* "Buddy the elf speaking, what's your favourite colour?""
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"hey again! its forte! I got mostly. Not very good, I know, but you said in results that we could be friends!"
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"by the way I'm a dude"
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"hi! 83% best friend forever! please post a link to your other quiz you mentioned in the results and I swear (I actually don't swear XD) I…"
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"wrong! not gonna happen. not going to kill myself."
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"36%. I AM canadian, but I'm only a kid. =p"
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"agree with rguitar and kalei."
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"north central. okay, this is a big lol: "outsiders will probably mistake you for canadian" I AM CANADIAN!!!!! and I also call carbonated…"
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"in another quiz I got freddie but this one I got carly lol. FYI I am a dude."