What American accent do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What American accent do you have?
Wow! I live within 30 minutes of Atlanta and it said "you could be from Atlanta" wow wow wow
bfaithr1 -
North eastern accent?? which is actually no accent?
angelina1 -
north central. okay, this is a big lol: "outsiders will probably mistake you for canadian" I AM CANADIAN!!!!! and I also call carbonated drinks pop.
forte1 -
I got midland
I am from new Jersey though -
I'm not from the Northeast... I'm English.
I probably shouldn't have done this quiz. :P -
The west really? i am from Texas, my accent is southern. i have been told this by many people! these quizzes SUCK
Southern, not the west xD I have thick southern drawl. No one can understand me xD
I sound like the west. I don't have much of an accent. But I come from the Northeast! Weird, right?
Try Omaha, Nebraska!
sndmthru1 -
Some people mistake me for a Canadian person. o3o
I'm not Canadian, sadly.
Br0wnies1 -
I liked this quiz! I guess I have a midland accent except I am from Texas lol!
Born and raised in South Texas.
olspice1 -
I have a southern accent!
I'm not from the midland!sam56571 -
Oh my God it was right on the money. I've been hear in Tucson for 23 years but I guess it's ok if they still call me Boston Laura!
Awesome Quiz!
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By OliveOlive1 -
Philadelphia. Huh, I'm not even from there. xD Nice quiz. (:
I got midland
I'm from California... but it said I have a midland accent.
DylanC1 -
I was born in the Northeast and still living there, but right on the no accent for me
Wow! It nailed me as a Philadelphian
BigDave1 -
I have lived in the South all of my life, and my accent is not at all like that of a resident of "Filthy-delphi!"
Okay I wont read it then and I'm English American and American when I say it is americon
mya4031 -
It was right on. Placed me to the tee as a Wisconsin upbringing.
Sorry about that nice quiz
melinaa1 -
I always tell people I have no accent. I knew I didn't lol :)