Fast4ward's Profile
Joined on Dec 16, 2017
Status Level: Newbie
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7-Year Club
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Fast4ward's Recent Posts
"Having emotions"
"I relate to this so much its scary"
"@Onlyone Sorry, I didn't see any of your posts, i was typing all of that. But yeah, its gotten better but it still needs work"
"But i want to thank everyone that talked to me on here for making me feel not so lonely. But anyways in summer 16 i started smoking weed and..."
"So i had really bad depression when i was on here. I was like 12 and 13. So i said stuff like inwas gonna kill myself all of the time. But t..."
"Most of you guys that are active might not remember me or you hate my guts. But my old username was dark shadow or voices. I know i was a te..."
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