Emokiss's Profile
Joined on Jun 20, 2009
Status Level: Newbie
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Emokiss's Recent Quiz Comments
"You Are 98% Random!!!
"I like chicken, do you?" "Yes, I like it every now and then." "SOOAAPP!!!!!" You are very, very random and…"
1 -
"You are very random. You would say "yes" to a piece of pie if it proposed to you, but it wouldn't be your first choice at…"
1 -
"You are 80% Random!
Oh so close, but not completely random. You must be crazy though, so welcome to the club. I can tell that you…"
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"Teshi? WTF? I'm not cheerful! I'm gothic and emo for christs sake!"
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"Your Result: falling off a tree
you are adventrous and a bit clumsy... your adventures take you too far when you climb a tree and…"
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"Your totaly an EMO! Your diary is the only thing thats understands you! You feel all alone and you would give anything of somebody…"
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"95% Score!"
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"Yay! Emo!
What the hell is a chav anyway?"1