How Random Are You?

How random are you? erugherge htrwh wtrh regjgh erghers gsgiuihgr erhgeru ghrei ghrei geis guiesh gaegheia aela iurhui gaug fnhg urhgoe fgsuhgaurh ghriughau gufrahguhgurhauigh ruhgairhgirhgr ghge rhg hgre ge ngjfg gna kngrak

dsfj wefiwbei fweifbewib gihgwhg ghweh wiefh hge qeugieurh qgph qehgiaphg qeurig ghruqpga;dfrh gJWL;FANDAFJ HGISFHVBHGUA GAD; agirheug aeg egher gheherhgeuh ge he gehgeriuh egheg ghei hgehgehgehgi eh e ehgeih

Created by: allanna
  1. Chricken
  2. Dancing
  3. Friends
  4. Jello
  5. ...
  6. Why hello.
  7. The Pokemon themesong bites.
  8. Pokemon is for LOZERS (no offense)
  9. Why are you taking this quiz?
  10. The Ring

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Quiz topic: How Random am I?