em2250's Profile

Joined on Mar 27, 2012
Status Level: Advanced
em2250's Quizzes
- MARK OF ATHENA!!! Part 1 (Trivia)[published: Sep 27, 2012, 1 comment]
THE MARK OF ATHENA IS COMING!!! I feel like I'm dying!! Five days of waiting! FIVE……
- Which Mutant Are You From the X-Men Movies?[published: Sep 03, 2012, 7 comments]
Which mutant are you most like from of the X-Men movies? Wolverine, Jean, Cyclops,……
- Which Female Heroine Book Character Are You?[published: Aug 31, 2012, 10 comments]
Which female heroine book character are you (of my favorites)? Max Ride (Maximum……
- Which Girl Character Are You On Victorious?[published: Apr 07, 2012, 17 comments]
Hey, Em here to tell you which girl character you are from Victorious are you Cat,……
- Who Are You in H20?[published: Apr 07, 2012, 3 comments]
Which H20 mermaid are you? Emma, Rikki, Cleo, or Bella. Find out here, I wouldn't reccomend this quiz to……
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em2250's Recent Quiz Comments
"39% not terrible. Mine kind of reminds me of hunger games, mainly because its a distopian society in the future (nothing else in common…"
1 -
Maybe 80%We could be friends but that doesn't mean we can't talk.I guess we don't like that much of the same things but who…"
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"Smaug, he sounds cool. i havent seen the movie yet (and i only read twelve pages of the book but then i had to read something else) so i…"
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"the career quiz
Your Result: academical 93%I think you are very smart and you will most likely go to college And maybe get…"
1 -
"Angel 77%
In art, angels are often depicted with wings on their back, a halo, robes and various forms of glowing light. The term…"
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"Your future is dismal. It is a cheerless, dim, desolate one. You may become victim to a life you do not truly want. This is the worst…"
2 -
"Val Vardan 93%
You're Val, one of Xandra's siblings. Similar to Avery, you immediatly believe Dede's 'death'. You are very…"
1 -
"hero, best result out of them all no way will i ever damsel"
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"in-between okay i guess"
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"Molly, the name isnt one id pick for myself but the description matches"