What type of fantasy character are you?

Have you ever wondered what fairytale character you are? Well if you have this is the quiz for you!! Are you a mermaid vain, idle, (A lot of time is spent doing their hair,) and arrogant fairy kind, caring, brave, happy, sensitive pixie having no purpose at all, living a quiet and peaceful life elf vengeful and mischievous angel strong of character and body and heart, arrogant, confident, sure of themselves and their purpose human mixture of all
Have you ever wondered what fairytale character you are? Well if you have this is the quiz for you!! Are you a mermaid vain, idle, (A lot of time is spent doing their hair,) and arrogant fairy kind, caring, brave, happy, sensitive pixie having no purpose at all, living a quiet and peaceful life elf vengeful and mischievous angel strong of character and body and heart, arrogant, confident, sure of themselves and their purpose human mixture of all. Well take the quiz and figure out!