eemalee's Profile
Joined on Apr 30, 2012
Status Level: Junior
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eemalee's Recent Quiz Comments
"Just two things: 1. Why do you assume everyone rides English, let alone jumps?
2. For the first question, referring to how often…"
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"Like I said, I got most of my information from youtube, so look it up. Most of these aren't from the movies, but it's side information. I…"
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"I thought this was a really quiz, but there's just 2 things:
1. The original game is called "Never Have I Ever"; not "I Have…"
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"Great quiz! Oh, and I like how you added a prophecy!"
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"Not to sound negative, but the last few questions were perverted and had absolutely nothing to do with deciding which warrior cat you are.…"
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"OK, just to clear this up, albino is not considered a color because it literally means "colorless". Any creature can be albino, but you'll…"
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"Yes, I got Pocahontas! She is by far my favorite princess! And when I was little, I really thought I was like her because of my Native…"
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"Yes!!!!!!! Western! Just what I wanted! I'm definitely a cowgirl at heart, baby! WOOOOHOOOO!!!!!! :D"
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"I did like this quiz, but it only had 1 question about western riding; and all the others were about English riding. Maybe you could make…"
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"This quiz wasn't really accurate. It only has questions on English riding. I ride western, but I still love horses!"