DrummerGirl345's Profile

Joined on May 21, 2011
Status Level: Novice
DrummerGirl345's Quizzes
- How Much are You Like Me?[published: Aug 09, 2011]
This is so pointless how you have to write this and it has to be so many characters! Why,GTQ,Why?!……
- Where do you Belong in a Band?[published: Jul 26, 2011, 9 comments]
Have you ever wondered,"What would I do if I was in a band?" Well if you ever have, this is your……
- How Much Do You Know About Regular Show?[published: Jul 21, 2011, 1 comment]
This is a quiz about regular show on cartoon network. it is an awesome show and you……
DrummerGirl345's Recent Posts
"In one hour, extreme epicness will occor on cartoon network....Season 3 premiere of regular show!"
"my f---ing ugly school uniform"
"invisibility, shape shifting"
"Today a boy in my homeroom who is a huge regular show fan made a my mom joke! We were voting for student council and he said, "You know who ..."
"Ana, I LOVE THAT SONG! anyway, on the floor cause my math teacher was singing it all through class Dx"
"I just had a sandwich and a glass of tea"
"xD muscle man is awesome! I love that quote that Emma gave! OHHHHHHHHH!"
""ummmmm,ummmmm four score and seven years ago ummmm I kissed Emily Costa" "Ewwww" *runs off stage*"
"Season 3 starts This month I think...but I might be wrong. It's gonna have 40 episodes :D"
"Emma, you're back! *glomps*"
"I always buy the CD...unless there's only one song that I like off of it, then I'll just download that song."
"Regular Show Phineas and Ferb Invader Zim Avatar and a whole bunch of other cartoons"
"I want Emma to come back on this thread."
DrummerGirl345's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got Squee...I love JTHM "
2 -
"Let me be who I f---ing want to be. I find the term "emo" insulting. What you said in the parting words was mean and I agree with BJ_the_DJ…"
1 -
"I get straight A's most of the time and am very smart...I got dumb ._."
1 -
"I found this quiz pretty steriotypical"
1 -
"Thanks everyone!!!"
1 -
"Thanks, sick!"
1 -
"This is not dirty at all. It also needs more detail. You caould be more creative with making the boy and girl parts different. I read them…"
1 -
"I got the drums (which I bet anybody who's reading this is going "hense your username") yeah, the description fit me well,too!"
1 -
"You are a perv. Why would you make this gearing it to little kids....I am disgusted"