how big are your breasts? (for younger people)

this quiz maker is so stupid that it deleted my very very very very long story that had much feeling and heart and TIME spent into it and also some poop about those practical ones.

stupid quiz maker! stupid quiz maker! oh i hate you stupid quiz maker! it deleted my very very hard worked on paragraph that i could never replace- so now this is the last quiz i will make on this website.

Created by: limbo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. the questions above had no effect on this quiz. how old are you?
  2. what grade are you in?
  3. what drink do you have on a regular basis?
  4. what do you drink on a regular basis?
  5. has any one ever told you that you had big boobs before?
  6. do you think that you have big boobs?
  7. do you want to have big boobs?
  8. think fast!
  9. the question above counted in scoring. do you wear a bra?
  10. if so, what size? if not click the first answer below.
  11. can your boobs hang on a table?
  12. pick the answer that has the letter with the first letter of your first name
  13. pick the answer with the last letter of your last name, if no last name, then the middle letter of your middle name. if no middle name or last name, pick a random answer.
  14. pick your favorite animal
  15. this is the last question, pick an animation from below
  16. just kidding, this is the last question. how well do you think you did on this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How big am Ir breasts? (for younger people)