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Joined on Apr 7, 2018
Status Level: Novice
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drudey's Quizzes
- Quiz without meaning but with Reason[published: Jun 08, 2018]
This quiz is best explained in discrete terms. It follows up with a disturbing reaction……
drudey's Recent Posts
"and, i honestly am afraid of how painful the heartbreak might be, i just feel numb so far. weird stuff guys"
"well, shes done with me"
"yeah, that post is what stopped me from thinking of killing myself."
"@ello, im just a selfish pr*ck lately to everyone.. @ben thanks, that means a lot dude.."
"thanks ben, ill try to think that way. i hope things are okay for you too. @ello- hey. and yeah a little bit. we’re arguing "
"hey ben. i dont honestly know. ive been helping others so much i forgot how bad i feel"
"just having a low point. the suicidal feelings came back already. hope everyone else is doing fine at least"
"trump is a demagogue."
"i had too much coffee. im wide awake"
"having my break so i thought id respond right now. that problem is more or less settled now, the one where ben and i were talki"
"i forgot, my gotoquiz status is low so i cant post links. the quiz name is To be a novice, by Tyson Blaze. Making others even "
"http: //[no urls] this quiz, moreover, is slightly disturbing. yes tyson, im talking to you.granted this is the internet and me"
"Tyson, ello, and Quote: im not im the mood for this inappropriate internet love affair syndrome in 9-14 year olds. but ill get"
"oi, Tyson"
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