Quiz without meaning but with Reason

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This quiz is best explained in discrete terms. It follows up with a disturbing reaction from me on the many unreasons and deaths in the prior months. :)

Consider this pack of 10 questions to test your skill set based on reason and unreason. Tackle with insight. Best to use less brain power and more mind power this is a major contribution if you relate to it the grammar of mental linguistic.

Created by: drudey
  1. What is A+B?
  2. How is death real if you dont exist anymore when youre dead?
  3. The answer to the last question is questionable. Would you agree?
  4. Do dogs bark or do humans just hear such noises?
  5. What demonstrates good leadership in todays world?
  6. Im upset because. Anthony Bourdain killed himself. Why do you think there are so many suicides?
  7. A+B+C-W is...?
  8. Constructing the coordinates of an airplanes pathway allows the operator to...
  9. Was Van Gogh misunderstood?
  10. Is emo label entirely unneeded?
  11. What about JFK? Was the Beatles as good as they were at his crude assassination as they are now in their prominence following their past-recent deaths?

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