dogsrulenotdrool's Profile

Joined on Aug 17, 2014
Status Level: Novice
dogsrulenotdrool's Quizzes
- Who is your Avatar (Last Airbender) boyfriend?[published: Dec 04, 2014]
Do you really want to find out who your boyfriend in Avatar: the Last Airbender……
- Animal Jam How Good of a Jammer Are You?[published: Aug 17, 2014, 1 comment]
In this cool quiz, you will find out if you're a great jammer, a so-so jammer, or a……
dogsrulenotdrool's Recent Posts
"hello lol "
dogsrulenotdrool's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got Evangelyne! She's my most favorite character =)"
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"A few secret admirers, 83% :P I'm happy, but i kind of expected it lol. There are some guys at my school that act cool around me! :3 lolz"
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"13-15. Interesting questions by the way..."
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"To songbird_tweet:
Th at's so sad :( i feel for you!! I have a lot of friends that like the same guy as me. He seems to be normal…"
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"I got 77%! I think it's the highest you can get. I have dreams and "visions" (you could say) about him every single night! He is so cute :3…"
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"Beautiful :3 89% :D"
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"Raveim 81%, then Zachary, then Nathan, then Jack =)"
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"88% Aang!! Yay! I knew I'd get Aang or Katara! Katara was next on the list =P (77%)"
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"67%!!! I did a quiz (called 'Does He Like Me?') and I got 76%!! So I'm sure he likes me at least a LITTLE bit... =)"
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"Whoa man! I just noticed!! Yesterday i went on this quiz and read the PLZ DONT READ THIS thing, and it said, 'tomorrow will be the best day…"