Animal Jam How Good of a Jammer Are You?

In this cool quiz, you will find out if you're a great jammer, a so-so jammer, or a not-so-nice jammer!! Please try it out!! I took a while on this so I hope its worth it!

Are YOU up to this quiz? Do YOU wanna find out what you're like on animal jam? To find out, test yourself with this amazing quiz I made. Time to find out who you really are!!

Created by: dogsrulenotdrool
  1. 1. Do you scam?
  2. Do you send your bffs good things that you have?
  3. Do you donate for wild cats in the centre in Appondale?
  4. Do you bully?
  5. Are you famous on AJ?
  6. If you were famous, would you bully people since you have authority?
  7. Do you adopt, then abandon/desert your kids?
  8. If you got adopted as a pet, would you misbehave and bite your owner or a visitor?
  9. Does everyone hate you just because of your look?
  10. Would you hate someone because of their look?

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Quiz topic: Animal Jam How Good of a Jammer am I?