Desire's Profile

Joined on Mar 10, 2011
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
Desire's Quizzes
- do you have a dark soul?[published: Apr 05, 2011, 2 comments]
there are many dark soul ed angry people out there. are u one of them?? ……
- would i date you?[published: Mar 16, 2011, 5 comments]
there are alot of boys in this world. but is there a boy sharp enough to date me? Desire? mabey. mabey you……
- do you know adventure time?[published: Mar 15, 2011, 1 comment]
there are many people out there who think they know my favorite show. but do thery??……
Desire's Recent Posts
"no I'm just making fun of you because it's funny"
"oh hey aod"
"hiya!! yall"
"*startz laughing*"
"ok guess not. "
"watz goin on here??"
"gtg i gtg 2 skool bye!!"
"i no rite!!"
"itz kool kuz it gives u stuff 2 do bkuz ur bored!!"
"u bored? if soo check out"
Desire's Recent Quiz Comments
"Very accurate of my brother... I made him take this."
1 -
"dark black??..... uhh ok but i toatz would prefer fores green."
1 -
"i got 64%"
1 -
"i act like a dude???"
1 -
"i act like a dude???"
1 -
"im good"
1 -
"23% WAT?!?!"
1 -
"58% ok kish!!"
1 -
"awww 50% so sad."
1 -
"33%? well."